Tag Archives: Helen Ross children’s author

End of 2009 National Novel Writing Month

Well,  2009 NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) has finished. Yeh, I won!  What a month. Congratulations to all the winners and all participants, regardless of whether you finished or not. I’m sure you have all come up with some creative gems, or even seeds that can be germinated over a period of time.

Anyway, I thought I would be happy that this insane month has now finished. Yes, I’m glad it is over (whew! Got through relatively unscathed) but I also had a couple of post NaNoWriMo blues days, which I wasn’t expecting. I think it was because it had consumed me for nearly a month (it gave me a great excuse not to do the house work), then all of a sudden it was over. Weird huh!

I would hate to think how I would feel after spending a year or so on a novel. I might be a basket case for a while. I have read of other writers and the emptiness they have felt after finishing a novel,  A bit like giving birth, I suppose -though I can’t comment on that one.

Now that it is all over, how do I really feel about the experience?

Well, to find out please click on the MY NANOWRIMO DIARY tab above. I diarised my 26 days (yes, I finished at Day 26 – yeh!). It describes the insanity of it all.

Happy reading.

But don’t go just yet. I also have a regular blog at http://misshelenwrites.wordpress.com

So please add it to your blog roll, and check in regularly – I blog about my writing journey – the good, the bad, the ugly and the crazy.

And any NaNoWriMo participants, or writers interested in the NaNoWriMo experience, and the roller coaster ride of stupidity, hilarity and stimulation, please  post any comments here. Happy to hear from you.

Now how about checking out  http://misshelenwrites.wordpress.com